Digital Garden


Seperation of Concerns on Erlking

At home Erlking replaces Bogun as my primary and only work computer. However, on the road it will need to be both a work and personal platform. How best to seperate concerns on this system? Particularly, camp might have low-internet or metered connectivity, limited electric, system maintenance, and my desire for minimalism.

  1. Multiple user accounts sharing the same OS install
  2. Dual boot Ubuntu and POP OS for work/personal
  3. One account used for work, use a VM for personal

I ran a survey on the above options on town. The results were a faily even split almost into thirds. A few extra options where also highlighted:

  1. One account for personal, use VMs or cloud for work
  2. Everything in a VM (or QubesOS)
  3. Swappable hard disks using USB 3.2 SSDs (essentially dual booting)
  4. Don't bother, or just keep seperate browser profiles

Doc Edward Morbious also brings up a very important point about legal discovery. Intermixing personal and work records opens up the possibility of counsel pawing through my personal affairs.

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