Digital Garden


On smoking pipes

To season a new pipe fill it 1/4 full then light, then 1/2, then 3/4. Then finally a full bowl.


  1. Run a pipe cleaner through the pipe
  2. Fill to brim and tamp down. Should still be springy
  3. Repeat.
  4. On the third filling tamp down slightly harder.


  1. False light. Light. Small puff. Let bloom.
  2. Tamp down
  3. Light for real. No direct flame. Puff until deep.

On smoking

  • Don't inhale
  • Rebreathe to exhale through the nose
  • Small puffs to keep lit. Shouldn't be so hot as to feel hot to the touch
  • If starts to go out, put a figure over the top and puff
  • Three short puffs, then one long puff to taste
  • The pipe really shouldn't go out during a session, if it does, use the tool to remove the ash and relight.

External References

  1. Boehm, Eric. <;>
  2. <>

Linked References