Digital Garden


Entity component system

An Entity Component System (ECS) is a pattern of entities composed from components with system that operate on those components. The Entity concept is the same as in [[Domain Driven Design]], a component is an aspect of that entity, the system acts upon all entities with that component. Behavior can be changed during runtime by changing out the components that an entity has.

External References

  1. West, Catherine. My RustConf 2018 Closing Keynote<>. Retrieved 2022-07-13.
  2. Westm Mick. Refactoring Game Entities with Components. <>. Cowboy Programming. Retrieved 2022-07-13.
  3. Adam. Entity syems are the future of MMOG development - Part 1<>. T-Machine. Retrieved 2022-07013.
  4. Hallenbeck, Joseph. Entity-Component Systems. <>. Retrieved 2022-07-13.

Linked References