Digital Garden

Tmux Grimoire

Session Management

Start Tmux Session from Template

mux tmuxinator-template

New Session:

tmux new -s session-name
muxn session-name


tmux a -t session-name
muxa session-name

List Sessions:

tmux ls

Kill Session:

tmux kill-session -t session-name
muxks session-name
mux stop session-name

Inside Tmux Session

To access the tmux terminal press Ctrl+b. All commands below assume the prefix have already been pressed before the command.

Session Management

$   name session
d   detach
C   reload terminal
r   reload config

Window Management

c   create window
w   list windows
n   next window
p   previous window
o   go to last window
f   find window
,   name window
&   kill window

Pane Management

v   vertical split
s   horizontal split
q   show pane numbers
x   kill pane
!   turn pane into window
z   maximize pane

space   cycle layout selection

h   move left
j   move down
k   move up
l   move right

ctrl+h  resize pane left
ctrl+j  resize pane down
ctrl+k  resize pane up
ctrl+l  resize pane right

Copy Mode

[           enter copy mode
/           search buffer
h,j,k,l     move in copy mode
v           enter visual mode
y           yank
p           put

Linked References