Vim Grimoire
Grimoire for VIM commands
File Management
:q close
zq quit all
zz save and quit
Nerd Tree:
<ctrl>+n toggle nerd tree
o/O open file or directory / open recursively
x/X close file or directory / close recursively
c open directory in new NDT pane
C make directory root
u/U move root directory up / move but stay
r/R refresh directory / refresh root
p/P go to parent / go to root
f toogle file filters
:Bookmark [<name>] add book mark with name
D delete bookmark
m new, delete, or move files
Split & Tab Management
<ctrl>+h hop left
<ctrl>+j hop down
<ctrl>+k hop up
<ctrl>+l hop right
:sp open horizontal split
:vsp open vertical split
<ctrl>+w o fullscreen pane
gt next tab
gT last tab
tabm # go to tab #
s open in vertical split
i open in horizontal split
t open in tab
Fuzzy File Open
<ctrl>+p start file search
<ctrl>+v open in vertical split
<ctrl>+s open in horizontal
<ctrl>+t open in tab
<ctrl>+y creae a new file
zc closes fold
Vim Modes:
a/e/i insert mode
escape command mode
v visual mode
<ctrl>+v block visual mode
f3 toggle numbers
Marks allow us to dog ear a spot in the code to return.
m+[a-z] Add a mark in the file at this point
m+[A-Z] Add a global mark at this point
'[a-zA-Z] Return to line of the mark
`[a-zA-Z] Return to the exact position of the mark
:marks Show current marks
:delm [a-zA-Z] Delete the marka
:delm! Clear all marks
Registers are where text that has been deleted or cut goes
"a y Add register A for text yanked by y
"a p Put text in register a
0-9 Registers for the last ten yanks/deletes
Text Manipulation
y copy
p paste
x cut
space+v paste from clipboard
space+y copy to clipboard
. Repeat last input
d delete character
d$ delete to end of line
dGG delete to end of file
dd delete line
r redo
u undo
Search & Replace:
:%s/forest/tree Replace forest with tree
:%s/){/\r\t{/ Add new line between ")" and "{"
:%s/public function \(.*\))/private function \1)
Match public function _name_ and replace with private function _name
Moving About
Character movement:
h left
j down
k up
l right
Jump about:
#G jump to line #
^ start of line
$ end of line
b back a word
w forward a word
/ search
n next search match
N last search match
Fuzzy Search
f5 purge cache
<ctrl>+r regex mode
<ctrl>+d filename mode
f5 start script
f2 step over
f3 step into
f4 step out
f6 kill script
f7 detach from debugger
f9 run to cursor
f10 toggle breakpoint
f12 evaluate variable under cursor
z= spellcheck dialog
]s next misspelled word
[s last misspelled word
zg add word to dictionary
zw mark word as wrong
zug undo add word
zuw undo wrong word
Execute Shell Commands
:!{cmd} Execute a shell command
:write !{cmd} Pipe the line or range into the command
:read !{cmd} Pipe the line or range into the command
Insert output into document
:{range}!{cmd} Pipe the lines in range into the command
Replace them with the output
A.k.a. "filter"
:%!{cmd} Pipe the whole document into the shell
! Start a filter
!4j Filter the next four lines
!!{cmd} Filter the current line
SQL Plug
<space>sp select mysql preset
<space>sd set database
<space>rf run file
<space>rs run statement
<space>dl list databases
<space>tl list tables
<space>td describe table
<space>tt show method/variable breakdown for class
<space>fs fix highlighting
q+[a-z] start/stop recording macro
<space>gc toggle comment
<space>gw format to line length
<space>pd start doc block
<space>fj format json
<space>fr format sql
<space>a+[^|<>l::|] fix alignment
<shift>+k open documentation in pane
<ctrl>+x <ctrl>+f open file selector
<ctrl>+n start autocomplete
<ctrl>+n, <ctrl>+p cycle through autocomplete options