Personal Productivity Practices
Notes regarding techniques for tracking and improving personal productivity.
My experience has been that you can get lost in reading books on life hacking personal productivity. GTD, Pomodoro, 8760 Hours, Deep Work are all excellent reads. But it is best to use everything as building blocks that work around your own lifestyle and needs.
My Productivity Routine
- [[Nightly Retrospective]]
- [[Pythefnos Retrospective]]
- [[Project Grooming Retrospective]]
- [[Quarterly Retrospective]]
- [[Annual Retrospective]]
Paper-Based Planning
- [[Paper-Based Planning]]
- [[Bullet Journal]]
- [[Lab Notebook]]
- [[Mind Mapping]]
- [[Project Planning]] for Side Projects
Computational Enhancement
- [[Todo.txt]]
- [[Pythefnos]] Calendar
- Digital Calendar
Productivity Practices
- [[Atomic Habits]]
- [[Deep Work]]
- [[The GTD Method]]
- [[Minimal ZTD]]
- [[8670 Hours]]
- [[Knowledge Management]]
- [[Zettelkasten]]
- [[Fibonacci Spaced Repetition]]
- [[Brag Sheet]]
- [[MNAM]]
- [[Productivity Advice]]
- [[Pomodoro]]
- [[PARAM]]
- [[Five Line Journal]]
- [[7 Habits]]
- [[Sleep Log]]